Saturday 10 September 2011

15 Muscle Building Rules for skinny guys and Gals!

!±8± 15 Muscle Building Rules for skinny guys and Gals!

Why can not you gain weight?

Although there are many reasons why you can be so thin, the apparent reason is because of your genetics. If your parents are naturally slim frame or small, then you are most likely the same small body type.

To some extent you can control the size of your metabolism. If you have a difficult time for any kind of weight (fat or muscle), then you probably have a fast metabolism. This simply means that your body burnsCalories faster than normal. You must take this into consideration when you are considering a particular diet or training. It is designed for someone with your metabolism and your destination?

Well, as you know, there are many ways for training. Hundreds, even thousands. Po 'work and some do not, but for the specific purpose of gaining weight, there are some things that all skinny guys must UNIVERSAL.

Although most of the information covered here is not so "magical" as you like,I think these rules bases, in terms of weight gain. These are not all the answers, but they are certain elements that must be addressed in any successful weight gain program.

You should be able to easily integrate these rules in its ongoing program to make it more suitable for your particular body and goals.


1.Get the right information, concerns about your personal situation and goals.

The first big problem I find with most people isthe lack of correct information. Yes, you are motivated and doing things, but your effort is wasted on a diet is not proper training and information. Basically, skinny guys, with the advice of people who have never had a weight problem. Want to know how the weight gain? Then find someone who has walked your shoes. Someone who has been where you are.

2.Set a specific goal and create a plan the attack.

If you are driving cross-country skiing in another city, you would simply driveby chance, or if you plan a route, you could get quickly and efficiently?

Think of your plan as a guide and your goal as a goal. Without a plan and a goal to be without focus and can be easily lost or monitored in this page. This happens more often than you know. I see many people in the gym just doing whatever, or just eating whatever - no plan or specific goal. They wonder why not go ahead. They have no fire.

Having a specific programYou can follow all the action day. This action is designed to quickly get focused on your goal. There is no thought, guess or argue. They just. A specific plan provides necessary daily structure that not only keeps you on the road, but also helps healthy eating habits and exercise that is used for a long time after reaching your goal is to develop.

3.Have confidence in yourself and faith in what you do.

Let's be honest:, We live in a cruel world. Hatred and jealousy is everywhere. For most people who start a fitness program to improve themselves, the first steps will be half the battle. The other half will be motivated by the constant onslaught of negativity from others. A few negative words can do serious damage if you allow it.

The most insulting things you hear may be from friends, colleagues and acquaintances at the gym. People hate change. It makes them insecure, becausesuddenly discover there is more than likely be willing to admit. They fear that actually reach your goal. It 'makes them less "superior".

Once you have begun your plan, you have faith and believe what you are doing. Stay focused and avoid overly critical or negative people. If you have your own business for himself. When I started my program, I heard about what I did because I am tired of hearing things like "You can not dothat ', "Impossible", "You're wasting your time and money." It's funny, now these people are constantly asking me for advice sucks.

It's your life. And 'your body. It 's your dream. Let your success or failure will rest in the hands of others.


4 Stop listening to every ridiculous piece advice you hear in the gym or read on a table.

Recently, a client of mine informed me that someone has said in the gym training all wrong and that heneeded to train 5-6 days a week, and aim for more reps during his workout. From somewhere in the range of 15-20 repetitions per set.

The person advising was very confident about his recommendations, and had an imposing physique, which he usually rises at the elusive "listen to me, if you want to look like me" in the gym. He was bigger than my client, so even if my clients, "intellectual" mind knows that advice is absurd, his "unrealistic dreamer" mind took thisData very seriously. So seriously that he changed his program and did not inform me until a week later. This particular person had made great progress in its ongoing program, but allowed a person to comment on this progress and take second place to convince him that his program was inadequate. This is a mistake and has shown his lack of further progress.

Also assess the validity of what a person says about how they look. Just because the guy is not greatmeans that spits on the advice of the relevant attended. Many people who have great stature, they were great, despite their training, not because of it. I know some big boys that actually very little training and nutrition. You can do everything and still build muscle, we are not, unfortunately, so much so that we approach things in an intelligent manner.

Rarely 5.Workout

This is the most difficult concept for many to grasp simply because it takes the action more or less, including. WhenWe are motivated and start a new program, it is natural to want to do something. We want to train and train and train. Thinking all along that the more you exercise to build, the more muscle you. Unfortunately this could not be further from the truth.

More training does not equal more muscle growth. Understand that the reason for weight training to stimulate muscle growth. It takes very little time. Once done, the muscle must be repaired and new muscle mustbuilt. This happens only when you are resting. You do not build muscles in the gym, you build the muscles at rest! If you never give your body a crucial moment "inactive" when you have the ability to build muscle? Think about it.

Now that you have a hard time rising in importance and significance of the remaining add. People who are naturally thin and have difficulty building muscle tend to require less training and more rest.

6 Focus on the most commonLifts

Multi-joint exercises are those that stimulate the amount of muscle fibers. Unlike isolation exercises which only work individual muscles, more complex work of many plants of different muscle groups simultaneously. For those who need to gain weight, this is ideal, because the lifts to get your body the amount of stress. This is the effort to shock the nervous system and cause the greatest release of muscle building hormones. This leads to increased muscleon the whole body.

You can still work in isolation, but should not be in the middle of your workout and should only come after the multi-jointed lifting is complete.

7 Focus on free weight

Free weights are preferred over machines for many reasons, but mainly because they stimulate specific muscle groups to aid in training. Stimulating these stabilizer and synergistic muscles can become stronger, and eventually buildmore muscle mass faster. Yes, you can probably still some large amounts of muscle building with machines, but why make it harder, if weight gain in a difficult time already?

8 Lift a weight that is a challenge for you

Cubic includes lifting relatively heavy weights. This is necessary because the muscle fibers, the amount of muscle growth (called Type IIB) is best done by lifting heavy weights to be stimulated. A weight as heavy as the one that allows onlyPerform 4-8 reps before your muscles fail.

Can make a lighter weight and more repetitions to stimulate some type IIB fibers, but again, if you have difficulty gaining some weight, because it makes it more difficult? You have to try to stimulate as many as possible with the use of heavy loads.

9 Increasing the focus on the eccentric exercise.

When you lift a weight, can be divided into three distinct phases. The positive, negative and focus. The concentric orMovement "positive" usually the first push or effort when you begin the rep. The center is a short pause before reversing and signaled a return to the starting position. The part eccentric or "negative" of an elevator is characterized by your resistance against the weight of the train so natural.

For example, when doing push-ups, is the positive movement of the real pressure to move. Once you have pressed all the way up, press the center point. The negative movement begins whenIt starts in the lower back down. Most will drop again soon pushed up, but I recommend the expansion and slowdown in this part. By slowing down the eccentric part of the lift will help to stimulate muscle growth. Actually more active in the type IIB fibers mentioned about in the seventh rule

10 Keep your workout short but intense.

Your goal should be to stimulate the muscles and make them as soon as possible. It is not necessary tolarge number of athletes for each body part trying to hit all the muscles and hit all the "corners". This should only be a matter of someone with an already developed, mature body, trying to improve weaknesses.

If you have no pec, do not bother to try and interior, the purpose of external top, bottom or other. Just work your chest. There should be more than 2-3 exercises per muscle group. That's it. Doing more of what not to build more muscle, faster. In fact, it couldlead to muscle breakdown. Long training sessions cause catabolic hormone levels rise sharply. Hormones are responsible for the catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue leads to muscular dystrophy. While removing at the same time, long workouts, the hormones that actually build muscle.

If you do not want to lose muscle during training, I suggest limiting sessions to no more than 60-75 minutes at most. Less if you can.

Limit your aerobic activity and 11Training

Frankly, I do not have any aerobic activity when I try to gain weight. This is particularly affected because it has an important moment "inactive" my body to muscle building and recovery. I understand that people's lives and other activities that do not want to give up, are reduced to the minimum necessary. Do not hurt your progress until you do. If you find that you do more aerobic activity weight training, the exaggerating.

IAlso can not recommend it because people do tend for the wrong reasons. Many start aerobic activity because they believe it will help you lose fat. Even if this is true, it will not on a diet high calorie mass. To lose fat you must eat fewer calories.

12 Do not program hop

Here as so often happens. They have just released a new exercise or training, which should read from the crowd packaging. Now, even if you already started another workout a couple of weeksFirst, you're tired and really want to start this routine instead because it sounds better.

I call these people ", the program hoppers". They are very enthusiastic when starting a new program, but never followed long enough to really see any results. They are easily distracted and love to give what they can do to follow your training more "hot" or exercise.

My advice is do not. This is a bad habit that never in a positive result. Understand thattakes time for each work program. To succeed, you must follow the program consistently. Yes, there are many different training methods and interesting routines out there, but can not jump all at the same time and not enough time for each of them to be really effective for you. Choose one that focuses on your target and stay current. There is plenty of time to try the other later, but not now.


13 Eating more

ThisRule is simple enough, but usually what is not working properly. If weight gain is your goal, then you need to eat more. Period. In most cases you need to eat more than you're used to.

A big problem I had when I was not hungry is just starting. I knew that I needed to eat more, but I would not. I had to force myself to eat at every meal. Fortunately, after about 2 weeks, my appetite has grown. I was hungry before each meal, andif you do not eat my food at regular time, I knew that my body there.

If you have this problem, you should still eat something, no matter what. Start doing the same for something to eat berries every few hours. Then, when the appetite is always active, gradually move into more real food.

What is going to do is to slow your body used to eating at regular intervals. Finally, you will be hungry before each meal.

When you eat more, you must ensure thatYou get a lot of good quality protein. Protein is a nutrient that is for building muscle. Every meal you eat should be some form of protein. Meal replacement powders, like Myoplex are excellent for this purpose. They allow you to eat large amounts of protein of good quality in a very convenient way.

14 Eating more frequently

In addition to eating more calories, you should also try to eat more often throughout the day. Eating out often or longPeriods without eating, your body because of breakdown of the muscle tissue needs calories. This is especially true for those with fast metabolism.

Spread your meals throughout the day will give you more manageable meal sizes, improve nutrient absorption, and make sure that your body always has the calories it needs to build and repair muscle. We recommend eating a meal rich in protein every 3 hours. During normal waking hours, which usually corresponds to about 6 meals.

Well, Iknow what you're saying, "I'm too busy to do this", or "How I do this with a full-time job and school?" Do not let the thought that this is hard to avoid doing so. You can think of very uncomfortable at first, but once you make a habit of it, it becomes second nature and you do not need it. Believe me, I do it for years and I do not think that there is limited or time.

15 Use nutritional supplements.

Before you buyProduct recalls that no magic supplement. Too many people think that just because you buy the new product, ensure that start automatically put on the pounds. The truth is that supplements are only there to enhance an already solid diet and exercise program.

You would do more for the march:

* Add more comfort: with supplements like Myoplex or Designer Protein help to eliminate the common problem of "not enough time" toWith a quick and effective way to get your nutrients needed daily. Eat large amounts of calories and protein easier for people with little appetite.

* Increased strength: Products that contain Creatine, like Phosphagen HP or Cell-Tech enable you to gain more weight to swing the odds in your favor by increasing your power. Creatine allows heavier weights to stimulate more muscle fibers and increase muscle growth.

* DecreaseRecovery Time: Vitamin C is important, the damage caused by free radicals to prevent accelerated after the trauma of heavy weight training. It 'also significantly help to repair connective tissue. All this helps to decrease the time it hurt.

* Improve the immune system: strength training increases the body's needs for many minerals like magnesium and selenium. I always use a good multi-vitamin ensures that there are poor in all the major vitamins and minerals.Deficiency symptoms are muscle weakness and suppression of the immune system, muscle cramps and fatigue.

I can honestly say that I have built the body I have today without the convenience and added extensions. I do not have the time or inclination to in other ways. This is a choice that has to decide for themselves. They are your money on these products, so be sure to know their place in the program.


Yes, but I must be honest and say that my experience, weight gain is much more difficult to lose fat. Even if you do everything right, it will be even more difficult because you are against what your body naturally prefers to fight. If you are naturally thin, building an impressive physique involves persistence and determination, but no matter what he says, is also in your ability. Good luck and for more information on how to gain weight, be sure tocheck out my website

15 Muscle Building Rules for skinny guys and Gals!

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