Tuesday 9 August 2011

Responsibilities of persons: eight essential skills People

!±8± Responsibilities of persons: eight essential skills People

The ability to communicate effectively with other people need skills, and here's eight essential ones:

1 The people understand

People not only come in all shapes and sizes, but they come with different personality types. It is recommended to review the way we communicate with the four personality types by reading this article. In fact, students of communication could be dedicated only slightly better than purchase Bem Allen's excellent introduction to personalityTypes, "Theories of personality."

People are people, with many similarities to a person of another, than differences. To communicate most effectively, each will need to communicate with them in their individual style preferences, using their language, the gestures of the body, and rhythm and intonation.

So how do you figure out the best way to communicate with someone? Spend time with them! Do not expect to meet someone on the street and talk intimately with them to aMinute. Understanding of a topic takes time - is the subject of an academic or another human being.

2 Expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly

Our brains can only so much information at any time. We are bombarded with messages every second of the day so with the flood of "noise": a person faces to compete, your message must be clear, concise and accurate.

It 'very useful for taking the time to plan your communication - no matter whatMethod is delivered - to ensure that you take the least amount of time to express just the right amount of thought in the most simple recipe.

3 By the way, if your needs are not met

Equally important in the business world in national, took the floor to ensure that your needs are met is a fundamental part of any relationship.

It is recommended to use this article on assertive, not aggressive to read the notices, but soon there are six differentCertain ways of acting and non-aggressive communication: evidence from the conduct prior to the communication using the communication (the "broken record" technique), misting, ask for a negative feedback, a preliminary agreement with negative feedback, and creating an acceptable compromise.

Assertiveness is a useful communication tool. And 'application is contextual and is not appropriate to be assertive in all situations. Remember, your sudden use of assertivenessbe perceived as an act of aggression by others.

4 Request for feedback from others and giving quality feedback in return

In addition to the techniques of assertiveness, giving and receiving feedback is an important skill of communication that must be learned, if you want to have any hope of developing long-term relationships ..

Toastmasters International teach a useful feedback and critical review technique - first give a sincere compliment, followed by a practical proposalsSuggestions for improvement, then wrap with further sincere praise. It 's like "CRC" means, or "recommend Commend, Commend," a three-phase model for excellence in quality of feedback.

Also remember that truth is a subjective view. What you can find someone can be uncomfortable as desirable from a different perspective. As I learned by living through a series of IRA attrocities in England, watching the U.S. political and media reactions, terrorist, freedom is a man of another manFighters.

5 Factors that influence how others think and act

We all have the ability to influence others how to think and act. Cialdini's principles all the way from simple persuasion to violence (verbal or physical nature), we can do every day, thoughts and actions of those around us.

From something as simple as a smile and say "Hello!" as a way to influence someone's mood, set a good example during an intense period of change, there are many possibilities, bothleads to drawing or other behaviors and attitudes needed.

Note that an attitude, an emotion, which in turn leads to action. Make your settings and you have a reliable method to predict the actions.

6 Bringing conflicts to the surface and getting them resolved

I confess: I am not a "natural" in dealing with conflicts. He made marriage into a family with three children already exist to help this child to come to the conflict.

It took meAt 3 years of life of my family to recognize it is possible to coexist in conflict and do not commit yourself. But it was not an easy lesson to learn, I can tell you!

But a teen's stepfather helped me learn the importance of the conflicts and resentments to the surface where they can be more easily managed.

Could hold the secret of their resentment of employees you, and when you find out what they are, bring these 'dark secrets' inDaylight will never be able to deal successfully with them.

And 'shameful, humiliating and potentially requires a high degree of patience, not directly into a defensive mode to start, but allowing people to express their concerns, frustrations and anger, face to face, offers enormous opportunities, things of to order, or help them see where their thoughts and feelings are misplaced.

7 Collaboration with others, instead of doing thingsalso

I am shocked at this, but to learn to delegate and share has been instrumental in growing my business.

The fastest way to bury about the details and the workload is to try to do everything yourself. However, the distribution of the workload, the smartest thing ever done. Here's why:


Use your skills and abilities and allows others to increase the earning capacity. They train to do what you do and do somethingelse.

A builder may provide only a certain number of bricks in an hour, but the Masons can train the same up to 15 colleagues, and suddenly the brick masons to build the 15 monuments, while the backup is the first builder to create more work for them.

During the bricks 15 are laying the original Masons learn to perform advanced masonry, or learn sales strategies, or acquire the skills of supervision.

The lesson is simple: try to do everything yourself, and 'all'were buried there, teach others to do what you do and you build a monument.

Jesus taught men to make 11, as he has done. Then he let go, while he moved on to other things. From the simple act of teaching a man 11 others, a church and the largest, most influential religious movement the world has ever known, was born.

8 Shifting, if unproductive relationships

Sometimes you have to go on. Sometimes you have to throw in the sea cargo unhealthy. And sometimesmust take drastic measures to win for the equilibrium and dynamics.

"The Switch", can be as simple as changing the place of your meeting in an office supervised by the dark to a nearby cafe. Sometimes it can move the meeting immediately after lunch first thing in the morning, perhaps even setting a clear head.

Sometimes it may mean increasing the power to enforce, to the point that they are received. Sometimes it can mean, to bring others to the meetingso that the other person understands the implications of their attitudes and actions.

And sometimes it can mean, help them have a significant task and satisfying beyond your control.

As a psychologist I consulted an organization manage to remember clearly: the only way to be a dead-end staff was to remove obstacles to progress. That meant helping key players to find a new job outside the company. Sometimes cultural change can onlydone quickly by a completely new team and throw away the dead wood. But only as a last resort.


The whole idea of ​​people qualified to know or find out how to bring out the best in others in every situation, rather than their worst. By mastering these eight essential people skills, you dramatically increase your chances of getting the best results from the interactions and business challenges.

Responsibilities of persons: eight essential skills People

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